Statement by Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA) | February 13, 2016

Our Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA) has been having clashes with the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA) since November 27, 2015 in the military regions of our Brigades 1, 2 and 3, situated in Namkham, Kyaukme, Namtsan, Manton and Kutkai Townships.

In 2009, the RCSS/SSA started to operate with a unit having about 30-man, named 107, based on the China-Burma border in Namkham Township, and in 2010 it started activities in Kyaukme Township with over 50 men. After the signing of NCA and after the RCSS increased the number of troops over 1,000 men and set up bases in our Brigades 1, 2 and 3 areas, clashes started to take place between the RCSS and our TNLA troops.

In our area, as troops of KIA Bde-4 and SSPP/SSA Div-999 were living and operating together and as clashes continued to be happening with Myanmar Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army), we repeatedly protested, but the RCSS/SSA extended its bases, with the assistance of Myanmar Tatmadaw, and the undesirable armed clashes happened to the liking of Myanmar Tatmadaw.

In like manner as Myanmar Tatmadaw, the Shan Army South (RCSS) has been vilifying our PSLF/TNLA in all kinds of media to instigate racial strife between the Ta’ang and Shan peoples. On the other hand, it is the RCSS troops only which have been arresting and killing the Ta’ang people.

For nearly 5 years, our Ta’ang Army has been able to resist Myanmar Tatmadaw successfully, just because it receives the support of the local populations. As the places where clashes are happening are in the Ta’ang people’s familial lands, there has been no discrimination or oppression of the local populations by the Ta’ang troops.

In conclusion, we the PSLF/TNLA issue this statement for all the public to know that if the RCSS/SSA on its part would not continue to base itself in our region, there would be no cause for armed clashes to happen, our side is ready for the two sides to meet for stopping the clashes and we have requested relevant alliance forces and the UNFC for mediation.

Central Executive Committee

Palaung State Liberation Front (P. S. L. F.)