Karen National Union Supreme Headquarters, Kawthoolei, March 5, 2015

1. The Karen National Union (KNU) fully supports the Bill titled “Amendment to the National Education Law” submitted to the Parliament on February 16, 2015, through the Ministry of Education, by the forum of representatives of the Leading Committee of Democratic Education Movement, the National Network for Education Reform, the Government and Parliament.

2. The Column of Campaigners for Democratic Education had issued a position statement No. 3/2015, affirming that it would break its march at Aung Myay Beikman Monastery in Letpadan Town to wait and see until February 28, 2015, the last date on which the Parliament was to adopt the said Bill.

3. The KNU sees that the security forces are using force and the tendency to use violent repression in blocking the peaceful march to Rangoon of the main Campaigners for Democratic Education, who resumed their march on March 3, 2015, from Aung Myay Beikman Monastery in Letpadan Town.

4. For that reason, the KNU would like to urge the authorities concerned to embark on peaceful consultation in resolving the issue, without resort to violent repression against the Campaigners for Democratic Education.


Karen National Union
Supreme Headquarters

Contact: Phone- (66) 087-9438-750


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