Joint press release by the SD and the UPWC | July 24, 2015

After the third day of negotiation, the EAOs’ Senior Delegation (SD) and the Union Peace Working Committee (UPWC) reached initial agreements on most of the provisions in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) text. It was agreed that remaining provisions will be discussed in further negotiation.

Both sides agreed to discuss the remaining text provisions and the matters of signatories, witnesses, and inclusiveness with their respective leaderships and to continue negotiations during the first week of August.

The following spokespersons will answer questions from the media and the public:

  • Pu Zing Cung
  • P’doh Saw Kwe Htoo Win
  • Nai Hong Sar

Please direct all other media inquiries to the Senior Delegation Media Advisory Team:

(66) 9 8 850 9 153 (Thai)
(95) 09 264097219 (Myanmar)


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